A list of /uses
pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.

Jarema ๐
jarema.me/usesUndergraduate student, developer, and activist.
- Student
- Developer
- Designer
- Full Stack
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node.js
- Astro
- TailwindCSS
- Docker
- WordPress
- VS Code
- Fedora

Mariusz Szubryt ๐
szubryt.net/usesFrontend-oriented Product Engineer
- Product Engineer
- Frontend
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Svelte
- Astro
- Lit
- TailwindCSS
- tRPC
- Python
- Django
- Supabase
- VS Code
Danny Solivan ๐
solivan.dev/blog/usesTest engineer. Web developer on the side.
- Test Engineer
- Svelte
- Astro
- Blogger
- C
- Python
- TypeScript

Frank Adler ๐คฉ
adfr.io/usesFather, Astrophotographer, Frontend Engineer
- Developer
- Frontend
- Engineer
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- Astro
- React
- TailwindCSS
- Go
- Vercel
- Remote
- Obsidian
- Testing
- Photographer
- iTerm2
- Raycast
- Markdown
- Photoshop
- PixInsight
- GraXpert
Akif Al Hakim ๐ฅ
akif.my.id/usesFrontend Developer.
- TypeScript
- React
- Svelte
- TailwindCSS
- Next.js
- Astro
- Serverless
- JAMstack
- Frontend

Michael Kitzman ๐ค
www.michaelkitzman.com/usesFrontend Engineer who loves sports ๐ ๐ โฝ , music ๐ธ, design ๐จ and hot sauce โค๏ธโ๐ฅ.
- Frontend
- Web Developer
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Accessibility
- Design Systems
- Netlify
- React
- Remote
- Astro
- Musician
Vladimir Vo ๐
vldmr.website/usesFrontend developer with passion for great product design
- Astro
- Frontend
- Developer
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- JAMstack
- Netlify
- Vercel
John Cranston ๐ป
pursuitofloot.gg/usesPart lead front-ender, Part vidya-streamer, All cat dad.
- Frontend
- Vue.js
- Astro
- Gamer
- Streamer
- Blogger
Raymond Luong ๐ด๏ธ
www.raymondluong.com/usesFront End Platform + Design Systems Engineer
- Frontend
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Vite
- Astro
- Design Systems
- UI
- UX
- Accessibility
- Developer
- Blogger
Fortune Obi ๐ฆ
www.obifortune.com/usesWeb developer living in Canada, strangely obsessed with Typescript and React.
- Developer
- Full Stack
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Frontend
- React
- Node.js
- Next.js
- Web Developer
- Remote
- VS Code
- Web
- Web Development
- GitHub
- macOS
- Astro
- Vercel
- Software Developer
- Express
- Vite
- Mantine
Philip Van Raalte ๐ธ
philvr.ca/usesFull Stack Developer that loves music
- React
- TypeScript
- Remix
- Astro
- Rust
- Ubuntu
Josรฉ Hernรกndez ๐ฅ
josehernandez.tech/usesMobile and Web Developer
- Developer
- YouTuber
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- React
- React Native
- Astro
- Svelte
- SvelteKit
- Next.js
- Frontend
- TailwindCSS
- Gatsby
Josh Medeski ๐
www.joshmedeski.com/usesFull-stack developer and content creator.
- Astro
- Developer
- Fish shell
- Full Stack
- JAMstack
- Neovim
- Netlify
- Node.js
- React
- Remix
- Remote
- TailwindCSS
- Teacher
- tmux
- TypeScript
- Vim
James Atkinson ๐
www.jamesatkinson.me/usesDesigner and front-end developer, based in the UK.
- Developer
- Designer
- Frontend
- JavaScript
- VS Code
- Web
- Astro
- Vercel
- Design Systems
- Figma

Tim Veletta ๐ฒ
www.timveletta.com/usesAustralian full-stack developer and designer
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Astro
- Next.js
- Frontend
- Redux
- Vite
- TailwindCSS
- Developer
- Full Stack
- Designer

Luke Davis ๐จ๐ฝโ๐ป
lukealexdavis.co.uk/usesI'm a technical SEO, music producer, and blogger based in the UK.
- JavaScript
- Python
- Astro
- Blogger
- Music producer
- Self taught
- Websites
- Ableton

Andrew Bus ๐
andrewbus.com/usesSenior Lead Software Engineer
- JavaScript
- Developer
- React
- Full Stack
- Node.js
- Frontend
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Backend
- Vue.js
- Next.js
- Python
- Gatsby
- Web Developer
- Laravel
- Engineer
- JAMstack
- Software Engineer
- Severless
- GitHub
- Vim
- Astro
- macOS
- Raycast
- Neovim
- Git
- Web
- Vercel
- Minimalist
- TechLead
- Manager
- Machine Learning
Catalin Pit ๐
catalins.tech/usesSoftware developer building on the web with TypeScript, React, Node.js, and more. Writer, YouTuber, and lifelong learner who enjoys sharing knowledge with others.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Frontend
- Backend
- Next.js
- Astro
- Node.js
- TailwindCSS
- tRPC
- Prisma
- PostgreSQL
- Writer
- Fullstack Developer
Matt Stein ๐ซ
mattstein.com/usesMiddle-end web designer-developer-writer.
- Web Designer
- Web Developer
- Technical Writer
- JavaScript
- Craft CMS
- Laravel
- Astro
- Eleventy
- Obsidian

Lucas Mancini ๐ง
lucasmancini.au/usesSoftware Development Engineer, specializing in Frontend
- Frontend
- Full Stack
- Tech Lead
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Node.js
- React Native
- Storybook
- MongoDB
- Astro
- web3
- Vite
- D3.js
- Redux
- React Query
- GraphQL
- UX
- UI
Rachel Cantor ๐
rachel.fyi/usesHiya! I am a Trusted Tester and Frontend Engineer.
- Freelancer
- Trusted Tester
- Architect
- Accessibility
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux
- Design Systems
- Figma
- Storybook
- Frontend
- Next.js
- Astro
- Jest
- Node.js

Rasul Kireev ๐
rasulkireev.com/usesSoftware Engineer at Readwise specialising in Django
- Django
- Python
- Android
- Hetzner
- Caprover
- React
- Astro
- Postgres
- TailwindCSS
- Full Stack

Scott Willsey ๐ฑ
scottwillsey.com/usesPodcaster, Blogger, Mac Nerd
- Astro
- macOS
- Blogger
- Podcaster
- Node.js
- Warp
- Websites
- Python
- Bash
- Web
- Xcode
- Notion
- npm
- Raycast

Ibrahim Nurul Huda ๐
www.sarbeh.com/usescreates visual narratives on web development, design, and Sharia studies.
- JavaScript
- Astro
- Nuxt
- Svelte
- Remix
- Alpine
- Unocss
- Prisma
- JAMstack
- Markdown
- Developer
Martรญn Morales ๐
mrtnmrls.com/usesAndroid Mobile Developer, Mechatronic Engineer
- Kotlin
- Java
- Android
- Blogger
- Astro
- JavaScript
Will Adams ๐ช
willadams.dev/usesUK developer and knife maker
- JavaScript
- Netlify
- TypeScript
- React
- Astro
- Vim
- Neovim
- Linux
- Lua
- Firebase
- Frontend
- Redux
- Vite
- pnpm
- Remix
- Gatsby
- Exercism
- Udemy
- Inkscape
- Blender
- TailwindCSS
Md Fazley Rabbi ๐ค
fazleyrabbi.xyz/usesWeb Developer based on bangladesh who loves tech and gadgets
- Software Engineer
- Backend
- JavaScript
- Laravel
- Livewire
- Astro
- JAMstack
- Bootstrap
- TailwindCSS
- Docker
- VS Code
- Remote
James Auble ๐ค
jamesauble.com/usesFull Stack Developer
- Frontend
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Alpine.js
- React
- Next.js
- Vue 3
- Svelte
- Astro
- TailwindCSS
- WordPress
- VS Code
- Remote
- Freelancer
Damian Cyrus ๐บ
damiancyrus.com/usesFull Stack Developer, Front-end Software Engineer, Tech Lead, DevDad.
- Software Engineer
- Web Developer
- TechLead
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Astro
- React
- Next.js
- Vue.js
- Nuxt
- Stencil.js
- Sass
- Testing
- Accessibility
- UI
- UX
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Full Stack
- JAMstack
- Docker
- Visual
- Developer
- Engineer
- Git
- GitLab
- GitHub
- Writer
- Blogger
- Obsidian
- Markdown
- Remote
- VS Code
- ProcessWire
- Musician
- Linux
- Manjaro
- Adobe CC
Kalwabed Rizki ๐ช
www.kalwabed.com/usesFullstack engineer, speaker, instructor.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Svelte
- Vue
- Astro
- Serverless
- Node.js
- Cloudflare
- Deno
- Neovim
- Arch Linux
- Speaker
- Mentor
Jakub Soboczyลski ๐จ๐ผโ๐ป
jakubsoboczynski.pl/usesFrontend Developer, who actively explores other technologies and paths, including backend development, and contributes to open-source projects like Raycast, while also having a passion for automation and electronic music, particularly dark techno.
- Frontend
- Developer
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Vue.js
- Nuxt
- macOS
- TailwindCSS
- Node.js
- VS Code
- Astro
Toby Nieboer ๐
tcn33.com/usesFinding awesome humans for Ferocia. Post-technical.
- Developer
- Astro
- Ruby
- Dad
- Self taught
- Vercel
- macOS
- VS Code
- Blogger
- Warp
- Speaker
Joseph Shambrook ๐
josephshambrook.dev/usesFront-end developer based in Edinburgh, UK
- Frontend
- Developer
- Engineer
- Web Developer
- Teacher
- Styled Components
- TailwindCSS
- Tailwind
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Svelte
- Astro
- Markdown
- Testing
- Accessibility
- Serverless
- GitHub
- Git